
Documentation radmin


Publications radmin

Papers presented during the Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly of Governors on May 23, 2004

  • "Fast Tracking the African Monetary Cooperation Program " by Pr Chicot Eboué (University Nancy II) and Pr Ray Barrell (NIESR London) .
  • "Fast Tracking the African Monetary Unification in Africa: A Guidelines Report" by Pr Chicot Eboué (University Nancy II).
  • "Study on Fast Tracking the African Monetary Co-operation Program and Feasibility of Establishing an African Central Bank (ACB)" by Pr Ray Barrell, Amanda Choy, Ali El-Eyd and Robert Metz
  • "Assessing Plans for Tracking the African Monetary Cooperation Programme" by Pr Ray Barrell and Pr Chicot Eboué
  • Accélération du Programme Africain de Coopération Monétaire : Une évaluation des Options Alternatives par Pr Chicot Eboué et Pr Ray Barrell

Reports on the AACB Website

Reports on the AACB Website radmin

Reports on the meetings related to the creation of the AACB Website