The Tunisian Currency through history

The Tunisian Currency through history radmin

Tunisia played, through history, an important economic role. This importance is due, mainly, to the daring activity of its population and its geographical position as a crossroads of maritime ways between the two banks of the Mediterranean and terminus for the Saharan and Eastern trade.
This strategic importance in the international trade made the region a purpose of political conflicts with other powers.
Several historical eras marked the evolution of the Tunisian currency. The main ones are the following:

  • the Punic currency: 814 B.C. - 146 B.C.,
  • the Numide currency: 208 B.C. - 40 A.D.,
  • the Roman currency: 146 B.C. - 439 A.D.,
  • the Vandal and Byzantine currency: 439 A.D. - 698 A.D.,
  • the Arabo-Islamic currency: 698 A.D. - 1574 A.D.,
  • the Husseinite currency and period of French protectorate: 1705 A.D. - 1957 A.D.,
  • the currency of the Republic of Tunisia: 1958 till today.